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Nursery and School Support 

Sending your child to nursery or school can be a daunting thought however, we are here to provide whatever support we can to both you and your child's setting. 


With your consent Louise will make initial contact with the setting and arrange an initial visit. The aim of the visit is to discuss the unique learning profile of our stars and provide information where needed, suggest adaptations the setting may need to make, provide or advise on training which they may find useful and answer any questions which they may have. 


If your child attends our early intervention sessions, Louise will be able to support with areas of developmental focus and activities.


They are welcome to email us at any time should they have any questions. 


Louise will liaise regularly with the setting and will aim to visit termly where necessary. 

Our resources are available for them to loan or as an example to create their own


Your child's setting will be placed on our mailing list and will be notified of any training opportunities or updates. 


Shine21 can also offer support and attendance during your child's My Support Plan (MSP) and Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), click here for more information. 

Collaborative working ensures your child gets sufficient repetition of an activity to be able to achieve it and use that learnt skill in everyday life.

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