My Support Plan and Educational Health Care Plan Support
The purpose of a My Support Plan (MSP) or an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) is to ensure your child's needs and targets are all written in one place.
My Support Plans are only used within the City of York Council and although they are not legally binding, they allow all professionals supporting your child to contribute their guidance and service they deliver. Nurseries are Settings which are expected to follow the information detailed in these plans.
Your child will have a MSP even if they are not at nursery, as it is a great way to ensure professionals all work together and your child has clear aims and focus.
MSP's are usually set up by your child's Portage worker.
We advise all of our stars to have an EHCP in place prior to them commencing school. Usually, with your consent, an EHCP request form is instigated by the Nursery. This form will detail why your child would benefit from an EHCP and the professionals involved in your child's care.
Once the request has been approved the Local Authority will contact the professionals involved in your child's care, who will submit a contribution.
A meeting will then be held where you, the setting and any invited professionals will discuss and review everyone's contribution.
The draft EHCP form will be submitted to the Local Authority to review. You will be emailed a draft for review.
You should review this carefully . Any changes you would like to request should be emailed to them.
Once approved, the Local Authority will email everyone involved with a final copy.
It is important that the document is reviewed annually to ensure the information and targets are up to date.
Your setting may invite you for a interim review at 6 months.
The Local Authority will allocate a funding banding based on you child's needs detailed in the report.
This funding will be given to the school and will fund additional staffing or support. This banding may not be communicated to you.
The process can feel daunting, but please be reassured we are here to support you every step of the way.